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Love Finds You in Wildrose, North Dakota – Book 7


Author: Tracey Bateman


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Only the strongest flowers thrive in the wilderness. Rosemary Jackson has traveled all the way to the frozen tundra of North Dakota territory to visit her twin sister, Rachel. It’s been three long years since Rachel left Kansas with her new husband for this wild place. But after months of anticipation, Rosemary arrives to find only a grave, a grieving brother in- law, and an underfed baby. She has no choice but to stay and see the child through the long winter. Finn Tate has just buried his beloved wife, and he cannot seem to take care of himself, his home, or his infant daughter. He needs help. But he cannot stand the sight of Rosemary, who reminds him so much of her sister, standing at his cook stove. Rosemary comes to love Finn, but she knows he will never return her love. When the wildflowers arrive with the spring, she will have to leave Finn, her niece, and her heart in Wildrose, North Dakota.

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