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Woe Is Me!

And he said, I have been very jealous for the Lord God of hosts: because the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away.—1 KINGS 19:14 KJV

Poor Elijah.

The greatest day of his life had turned into the worst. From a miraculous victory on Mount Carmel as the prophet of the one true God, he had become a sniveling fugitive. Weary of being chased, he sat under a juniper tree, wishing to die.

But God ministered to Elijah, and he walked 40 more days to a cave in Mount Horeb.

Still, the prophet pouted. “I’ve done all this for You, and I’m the only faithful one left. They’re chasing me. This isn’t fair!”

God met Elijah in his weariness, gave him a new assignment, and assured him that he was not alone. The Lord promised that the situation would be made right.

As God did for Elijah, He’ll do for us. If you’re feeling weary and overwhelmed as you carry your burden today, don’t give up.

Rest in Him. He will nourish you and give you strength for the journey.

God cares for those who care for others.

Father, if I could find a cave, I’d crawl into it. But I know that’s not where I should be. I know You have greater things for me than what I see through my tired eyes. Show me the next step and I’ll take it.

Adapted from

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