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Today's daily devotion

The Power of Music

I will praise you with the harp for your faithfulness, O my God.—PSALM 71:22 NIV

The pressure of caregiving occupies our entire existence. Its intense and exhausting demands can drive us to dreams of escape—even for a few moments. Why not try music?

Music affects us in powerful ways. Playing our old favorites and treasured hymns helps us to remember pleasant times. Studies show that listening to music reduces chronic pain and depression in caregivers. Song lyrics give us words to describe feelings that are otherwise difficult to express.

Music also offers comfort and relaxation. It provides background sounds and ambience in a room that may be sterile or noisy. Relaxing with slow, soothing tempos creates a quiet atmosphere for rest and sleep.

Even fast-paced praise music, played loudly, can provide a much-needed release. Moving to the lively beat can invigorate us, leaving peace and joy behind. There is a refreshing power present in music.

Music connects us with God, drawing on His strength and courage. Using His gift of music unleashes His power within us.

Thank You, Lord, for music that strengthens and renews my spirit. Thank You for Your faithfulness to carry me through each day.

Adapted from

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