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Sleepless Nights

I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.—PSALM 4:8 NIV

When we can’t sleep, we squirm and adjust our pillows. Some try to count sheep. Others squint at the clock, calculating the number of hours left until morning—and the amount of sleep they’re not getting.

For caregivers, worry and fear are often the cause of insomnia. They plague us at night, because the busyness of life that keeps them at bay in the daytime dissipates in the quiet solitude of bed. Alone in the dark, it’s easy to imagine the worst and feel hopeless about our loved one’s situation.

But God longs to care for us and give us peace.

Lisa, a woman who cares for her bedridden husband, prays out loud when she can’t sleep. She says her fight against worry is a spiritual battle and audible prayer is a key to winning the fight. Lisa finds rest from the burdens of caregiving when she pictures herself handing her worries to God—and asking Him to hold them until morning.

God never sleeps. He cares for us all night long. We can rest in that care.

Father, help me to trust You in the dark of night. I feel alone and overwhelmed by the responsibilities of caregiving. Please give me the gift of peaceful sleep so I can face tomorrow refreshed.

Adapted from

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