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Today's daily devotion


Have the roots [of your being] firmly and deeply planted [in Him, fixed and founded in Him], being continually built up in Him, becoming increasingly more confirmed and established in the faith, just as you were taught, and abounding and overflowing in it with thanksgiving.—COLOSSIANS 2:7 AMP

Dana’s neighbor peeked over the fence, trying to figure out the strange contraptions next door. Three-tiered towers of cone-shaped containers holding…what? A limp, spindly plant of some kind. Whatever they were, they didn’t look like they were going to make it.

Turns out they were strawberry plants growing in a fluffy artificial soil. Dana fed them through tubes delivering fertilized water directly to the roots of each plant. In time, the plants grew healthy and productive, with roots deep and strong. The continual input of nutrients strengthened the once-scrawny plants. An overflow of plump red berries resulted.

We’re a lot like those strawberry plants, strengthened and built up in the Lord when we dig deep into His Word. Like that fluffy artificial soil, our surroundings may seem unstable—but God’s sustaining living water is what makes all the difference.

His power, His influence, His dynamism girds us up to accomplish the tasks at hand each day. Our anemic efforts, our weary bodies, and our lackluster minds receive the needed vitality and vigor to meet each day’s demands with power and enthusiasm. And an overflow of thanksgiving is the result.

Lord, please nourish my inner being with Your Word and Your presence. Gird me up for today’s tasks, and help me to be thankful.

Adapted from

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