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Move It

Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you.—3 JOHN 1:2 NIV

A caregiver realized that her lack of exercise was causing her to feel sluggish—yet she couldn’t leave her dad unattended. She paced across the kitchen floor, asking God for energy—and soon realized she was exercising. The woman picked up her pace and circled the kitchen island. Then, swinging her arms, she included the dining and living rooms in her circuit. Before long, she was timing her laps. Though the routine was simple, each day she extended her time or added a step or two. Without leaving her father’s vicinity, she had found—by God’s grace—a way to exercise.

Caregivers need to take care of their own health. Immersed in the needs of a loved one, we helpers often neglect ourselves. But if you haven’t hit the gym lately, don’t beat yourself up. Good health comes over the long haul. Feel free to start small.

You don’t have to prepare for a marathon. Maybe you can lift your legs, one at a time, while seated. Or maybe park a bit farther from your parent’s front door. Perhaps take a set of stairs, rather than the elevator, at the hospital.

If you’re not used to working out, don’t overdo it. But take the small steps. God knows your heart, and He’ll help you in your quest for better health.

Lord, my body is Your temple. Please show me a way to exercise this day.

Adapted from

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