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Help! I Need Somebody

Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burden, the God who is our salvation.—PSALM 68:19 NASB

Feel like you need to get away for a while? Did you ever stop to think that some people might be willing to run your errands or keep your loved one company so you could do just that?

As caregivers, our time is in constant demand. With all the daily chores that need our attention, we can easily become overwhelmed. Yet when neighbors and friends offer their help, we often find ourselves refusing their support because we don’t want to bother them, even though accepting their help will lighten our load and strengthen our relationship with them.

God daily bears our burdens, often by leading supportive people into our lives. So let’s not refuse His help, nor theirs. Instead, welcome offers of meals, lawn mowing, or pretty flowers, even though it may be hard for you to receive from others. Just think how good it feels, the deep satisfaction and joy that fills your own heart, whenever you help others. And while Jesus’ statement to Paul, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35 NIV), is certainly true, it’s also good to be on the receiving end sometimes—especially when we’re struggling through life’s challenges. Besides, this season of caregiving will not last forever, allowing you the opportunity to someday return the favor when you see a friend, relative, or neighbor facing difficulties.

But for now, let others help you carry your load. Allow them to be your blessing.

Thank You, dear Lord, for daily guiding me through my challenges and bearing my burdens. Show me how to graciously receive help and blessings from others.

Adapted from

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