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Heart Instruction

I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me.—PSALM 16:7 NIV

How many caregivers have awakened in the middle of the night, thinking about the troubles they face? Probably as
many as go to bed overtired and worn out—which is just about everyone.

While the rest of the world seems to be sleeping—when we alone seem to be awake—God is not napping. His Spirit has touched the deep places of our hearts, and His Word has settled into them. When we lie sleepless, His Word begins to comfort us. The Lord who is our Shepherd reminds us that He promised never to leave us in want. He will restore our souls.

We need only remember the promises of His Word or pull out a Bible and begin reading—then praises begin to flow heavenward. Reminded of all God has already done for us and all He promises to do, we turn from worry to praise. Recognizing the gifts He’s given and the direction He’s provided for our lives, we trust again. How can He, who has brought us so far, desert us now? Why would He?

Let our praises begin.

Lord, I am so thankful for all You provided me with yesterday, how You will walk with me today, and the promises You’ve given me for tomorrow. Help me to trust only in You. Restore my soul.

Adapted from

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