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Boot Camp

How joining a boot camp can jumpstart your fitness goals.

I’m a goal-oriented person. Ask me anytime and I usually have a list of things I want to achieve next. Right now one of my goals is to host a faith-based fitness show on national television. I have to admit, I’m frustrated. I’ve hosted a fitness show on cable for years, but it’s only available in western Kentucky. I just can’t seem to take it to the next level.

I’m at a plateau.

We all hit times like this when we can’t see any progress. For instance, many people talk about experiencing a weight loss plateau. It’s when the scale doesn’t move, or our strength and endurance doesn’t seem to increase even though we stick to a diet and fitness program.

One of the best ways I know to jump start progress towards a fitness goal is though boot camp.

Boot camp is an intense exercise session designed to challenge every muscle in your body. These challenging workouts are meant to be done at least twice a week with a teacher who uses the proven techniques of resistance and cardiovascular training.

In my Monday and Wednesday Boot Camp classes, I lead students in 60 non-stop minutes of exercises such as running, obstacle courses, circuit training, jumping jacks, push-ups, jump roping, sit-ups, abdominal work, core training, and agility drills. Boot camp works because it builds muscles, which is essential to boosting your metabolism so you burn more calories.

Another reason boot camp works is that it is a group effort. When you exercise with others there is built-in motivation. My class bonds as a team and encourages each other to keep going and push themselves to the limit.
As I was teaching Boot Camp this week, it occurred to me that boot camp principles can be applied to any goal, like my dream of hosting a national faith-based fitness television show. With the support of a small group, and a mentor with a plan I can follow, perhaps my stalled aspiration can move from the plateau into reality.  

When my class is mid-way through a sweaty cycle of push-ups or jump rope, I often encourage them with this “boot camp” verse from the Bible. “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily hinders our progress. And let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from start to finish.” (Hebrews 12:1)



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Theresa is a former model and nationally certified fitness professional who teaches people to use their faith to inspire fitness and their fitness to strengthen their faith. She is the author of Shaped by Faith: 10 Secrets to Strengthening your Body & Souland three exercise DVDS: Pilates for the Soul, Strength Training for the Seasoned Soul and Pilates Stability Ball.

She and her husband, Robin, have seven children and live in Calhoun, Kentucky.

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