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Jesus pours water from a clay pot

Maundy Thursday

After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.—John 13:5 (NIV)

Stained Glass image of Jesus riding a donkey before a crowd laying palms on Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday: Hosanna! Blessed Is He

Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion! Shout, Daughter Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.—Zechariah 9:9 (NIV)

Man praying at sunset

Poor and Needy

Hear me, Lord, and answer me, for I am poor and needy.—Psalm 86:1 (NIV)

A woman prays in a garden

Rely on the Lord

But now even more the report about him went abroad, and great crowds gathered to hear him and to be healed of their infirmities. But he would withdraw to desolate places and pray.—Luke 5:15–16 (ESV)

A woman's hands clasped in prayer rest on a Bible

Your Best Defense

Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.—Mark 14:38 (NKJV)

How to pray for God's will in your life.

Go the Right Way

If you go the wrong way—to the right or to the left—you will hear a voice behind you saying, “This is the right way. You should go this way.”—Isaiah 30:21 (NCV)

Wooden cross with fresh palm. 8 Prayers for Holy Week

8 Prayers for Holy Week

It’s the most sacred week in the liturgical year. However you observe the period between Palm Sunday and Easter, here are eight prayers to mark each day.

Making time for prayer

Ask the Good Teacher

Once a religious leader asked Jesus this question: “Good Teacher, what should I do to inherit eternal life?”—Luke 18:18 (NLT)

Tired and sad young woman

Unfinished Work

Now finish the work, so that your eager willingness to do it may be matched by your completion of it, according to your means.—2 Corinthians 8:11 (NIV)

Relaxing family dinner

Don’t Miss the Great Moments

As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him.—Luke 10:38 (NIV)

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