Managing Life Changes

Gracefully dealing with life change is no easy feat. When personal change is your goal, you might feel in control and motivated. But managing life changes means adjusting to new circumstances that you might not have opted for. Staying calm in a period of life transition can help you stay centered and make the best decisions for your future.

Dad’s Song

When she turned on the radio, she couldn’t believe what was playing—surely it was evidence of God’s love.

Finding Peace

The Home to Heather Creek series editor reflects on how she found her calm in a hectic situation.


The Guideposts editor-in-chief exaplains why it’s time to move forward after the New Year celebrations.

Divorced woman reminded of hope and faith on open water

The Open Water

After feeling defeated by my divorce, my sister convinced me to go on a whale-watching adventure. Little did I know it would remind me of the hope and faith I had inside me.

Clyde Butcher with his camera in the Everglades

Healing My Grief

This famous photographer found spiritual growth and the start of his successful career because he wanted a place to escape the loss of his son.

Janis Amatuzio believes there is an afterlife

The Mystery of the Soul

I have come to believe that these experiences reveal the truth of what I believe: Dying is part of a larger picture, a moment of transformation on a path of eternal life.

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