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Late Summer Positive Thinking Favorites

These things have helped me stay sane and maintain a positive attitude in the hectic past month…

Positive Thinking blogger Amy Wong's dog Winky sitting by a pool

As Adam Hunter mentioned in his Mysterious Ways blog last week, almost all of us Guideposts editors have written about moving to our new offices downtown. Well, I haven’t.

Between the relentless march of deadlines and the daunting task of paring down all my stuff to fit in a cubicle (I was fortunate to have a good-size office in our old building), I’ve been too overwhelmed to blog lately.

I haven’t been overwhelmed by stress, though, and I thought I’d share a few things I’ve turned to in the hectic past month to stay sane and maintain a positive attitude. They must have worked because I finished packing two days ahead of schedule, and I used only three of the four moving crates we were each allotted. My coworkers couldn’t believe it!

Here are my late summer positive thinking favorites:

Benjamin Hole’s Instagram feed
He’s a farmer on the Isle of Purbeck in Dorset, England, who also has an amazing eye. His photos give me a glimpse into a life full of wonders, one that’s very different from my own.

This story about real-life angel Sergio Castro
Sergio Castro, as the writer says, is “neither doctor nor priest” yet brings the poor in his community in Mexico the healing gifts of both. The video at the top of the article is worth watching too. What Don Sergio, as his patients call him, says at the end is incredibly moving and inspiring.

This photo from my summer vacation
Five days with friends at a beautiful restored farmhouse in Woodstock, New York. Three-and-a-half fenced acres for our dogs to play and a big beautiful pool for us humans. Winky’s no water dog but she loved being in the country.

Melissa Sue’s Instagram feed
Melissa captures the best of rural Michigan. Her photographs bring me such serenity. Take a moment to look at one… feels like a meditation, don’t you think?

Cookie Monster’s new video, “Me Want It (But Me Wait)”
Need a laugh? Watch this video from the creative geniuses at Sesame Street. Cookie Monster spoofs Icona Pop’s hit “I Love It” (which doesn’t have such kid-friendly lyrics). I love it!

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