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Prescription: Health

Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.—PROVERBS 3:7–8 NIV

Looking for health? The Bible has written a prescription for you: Fear God and avoid evil.

That seems like an unusual way to bring about physical strength and nourishment, doesn’t it? But if you think of the connection doctors have made between the spiritual and physical, it makes more sense. Body and soul, together, work flawlessly or experience damage. Every part of our beings is influenced by the way we live before God—or the way we ignore His commands.

It’s particularly important for caregivers to have strong personal health. The stresses that come with the job cause enough physical wear and tear. We don’t need to overload a tense situation by developing an ungodly lifestyle. Obedience may not give us perfect health, but it certainly wards off the increased damage that results from unwise living.

Walking in accordance with God’s Word offers both physical and spiritual blessing, reducing the strains on our lives and comforting us in troubles. Who wouldn’t want to fill this prescription for health?

Lord, I thank You for Your grace in providing bountifully for all my physical needs as I’ve been caring for my loved one. Please keep me healthy in this time of high demand on my energies.

Adapted from

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