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Generations of Comfort

You shall increase my greatness, and comfort me on every side.—PSALM 71:21 (NKJV)

“Grandma, you look tired. Is it time for a nap?” My daughter Kelli had just graduated from college and joined me to help care for my mom.

“I do? I don’t feel tired.” Mom’s brain no longer told her body it needed to rest, so we had to make the decision for her.

Kelli arranged two pillows on the couch, coaxed Mom to lie down and covered her with her favorite red throw. Mom closed her eyes and repeated the words she said every nap time, “Oh, this does feel good.”

I observed the interaction between my daughter and my mom as Kelli imitated the care she had seen me provide. It was a strange place to be in life, caring for my mother like she was a child while watching my child turn into an adult.

Kelli didn’t realize it, but she wasn’t only taking care of her grandma. She was taking care of her mom, too. Her presence alone would have been uplifting, but she also embraced the responsibilities and challenges of each day.

The emotional journey of caring for my mom during her last days didn’t feel so lonely because my daughter—and friend—walked alongside me.

Father, taking care of a loved one can be a lonely experience. Thank you for family or friends who can help ease the loneliness.

Adapted from

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