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Caregiving 101

So they went away by themselves in a boat to a solitary place.—MARK 6:32 NIV

In Mark 6, the disciples are returning from an evangelism explosion. Through Jesus’ name and in His power, they’ve been casting out demons, healing the sick, and calling sinners to repentance. They speak of their service as physicians and caregivers. “Mission Impossible” has become “Mission Successful,” and they are elated. They’re also exhausted.

In the middle of this progress report, more people arrive, looking for healing, teaching, or just lively conversation. Jesus and His friends have no time even to eat a meal. But Jesus knows what to do. He always does. He says, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest” (Mark 6:31 NIV), thus directing His disciples to three priceless gifts: His presence, a place to rest, and peace. And what did His followers do? They got into the boat and sailed away to a solitary place.

In your caregiving role, you may be at the end of your rope right now. If so, Jesus may be saying to you, “Come with me by yourself to a quiet place and get some rest.” Let Jesus lead you to a select place. Sit quietly with Him. Once you’ve rested in the Lord’s presence, you will be renewed.

Lord, in Philippians 4:19, You promised us that You would meet every need according to Your glorious riches. Please give me rest as I lean on Your everlasting arms.

Adapted from

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