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Above the Clouds

“The engulfing waters threatened me, the deep surrounded me… but you brought my life up from the pit, O Lord my God. When my life was ebbing away, I remembered you.”—JONAH 2:5–7 NIV

As a plane ascended, passengers peered out the windows at the swirling gray mist shrouding their jet. Nothing was visible; all was barren and bleak. In a few minutes, though, the plane broke through the clouds, startling passengers’ eyes with shafts of light. Above the clouds the sun shone brightly.

Sometimes we have our heads in the clouds. All we see is the swirling gray mist, the gloom and sadness. We become myopic and focus on our circumstances, forgetting that above it all, our God sits upon the throne, shining light and piercing the darkness.

Remember Jonah inside the belly of the great fish? He saw no light. He saw no way out of his circumstances. Yet Almighty God delivered him and used him for His glory. There was light despite the darkness, hope instead of despair.

When life knocks us for a loop, we must focus on God’s promises. We must rely on His words. Evil exists and hard times can envelop us, but our heavenly Father still reigns. He is the Light.

O Lord, bless Your name. Thank You for Your watch-care even when I don’t see it.

Adapted from

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