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Moving Toward God

Faith is wanting to go on His journey more than we want to avoid things that are scary and uncomfortable. Faith is about moving toward God when we want to stay in the familiar comfort of our sins.

Moving boxes (Thinkstock)
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

We’re making a decision today on a buyer for our apartment. The offers are comparable, and in a way it doesn’t matter whether it’s the couple with dogs or the family with three kids. We know it’s a great home–we’ve lived here nearly 19 years–and the new owners will be blessed to have it.

Within my family, adaptation to the idea of moving is mixed. Some people are flexible, others look at change as an invention of the devil. We’re not heading far (we’re hoping to rent in the same neighborhood), so I keep reminding those who are struggling that no one’s being asked to reinvent herself as a cowhand in Nebraska.


I think of Abram heading out of Ur, and wonder about what kinds of things he said to himself to keep fear at bay over all those miles, what inner pep talks he gave himself to keep his mind focused on what he needed to do. Surely his relocation wasn’t struggle-free.

But that’s what faith is, no? It’s struggling over bumpy roads and dealing with dust and scorpions and loneliness, even though we don’t have an entirely clear picture of where God is taking us.

Faith is wanting to go on His journey more than we want to avoid things that are scary and uncomfortable. Faith is about moving toward God when we want to stay in the familiar comfort of our sins.

So…we’re moving. It’s a change, but in a way it’s not a big one: God’s going to be wherever we end up. That’s one thing that won’t ever change.

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