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Heavenly Angels Led Me to My Dream Job

I was working on our Illuminating Angels video series, the one segment on angels and dreams, when I remembered a dream I myself had more than ten years ago.

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Today’s blog is written by another member of the Angels on Earth staff, editor Meg Belviso.

One of my favorite Angels on Earth projects is our web series “Illuminating Angels.”

It presents historical and Biblical accounts of heavenly angels in a beautiful video format (created by Assistant Art Director Doug Snyder). This morning I was working on a future installment focusing on angels and dreams.

Angels, I read, often appear to us in dreams to help us solve a problem or tell us what to do. That’s when I remembered a dream I had more than ten years ago now. I was working at temp jobs, living paycheck to paycheck. I had experience in book publishing but had gotten laid off. Did I want to return to the same sort of job?

Then one night I had a dream. I barely remember the details now, except that there was a garden and a lot of friendly people there. What I remember most is waking up knowing it was time to try to find a permanent job, and that it should be at a magazine. That very night I went to a party and met a man who worked at People. A few days later I met him at his office to learn about the business.

Eventually I answered a blind ad in the paper for an assistant editor. The address led me to a company called Guideposts and a young magazine about angels on earth.

Angels led me to my dream job—literally!

Meg Belviso

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