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You’ve Got the Power

Live your best life—be like Jesus!

woman sitting outside in wheatfield

When Jesus told his disciples, on the night before he was crucified, that he would soon be leaving this earth to go to his Heavenly Father, they must have been devastated. For three years they had been virtually living in heaven. They had seen the Lord open blind eyes, renew lame legs, change a little boy’s lunch into food for thousands of people and even bring the dead back to life. Now their divine Friend was going to leave them. In only a day or two, his body would be lying in a cold tomb. How could they go on? What would they do?

Imagine their surprise when Jesus said, that very last night with them: “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father” (John 14:12).

How could anyone do greater works than our Lord? Well, think of what believers in him are doing today. Jesus did his miracles among a few thousand people in Palestine. Once, he fed 5,000 people. But today, through the gifts and prayers of Christians, hundreds of thousands of people in all parts of the world are fed and renewed. By the end of Christ’s earthly life, 120 men and women in the Jerusalem area were meeting together as believers (Acts 1:15). Today, thousands of people are turning to Christ almost every day. There are now more than two billion Christians in the world!

How can you be part of this powerful movement? Do what Jesus did. He sought out lonely and discouraged people and brought them hope. He showed unlovely and unlovable men and women that Someone loved them. He saw people’s problems and solved them. He showed them the way to heaven and eternal life.

Go on—do something great today!

Download your FREE ebook, Let These Bible Verses Help You: 12 Psalms and Bible Passages to Deepen Your Joy, Happiness, Hope and Faith.

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