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A Friend in Need

My husband and I had lost everything…except my old roomie Kelly.

Renai Albaugh and Kelly Cameron

You know how a true friend knows what you need without your having to ask?

That’s Kelly Cameron.

She was my roommate 20 years ago, when we were college grads working in Washington, D.C. We went to the same church and met our husbands there.

She and Kirk moved to Colorado, and John and I settled down in South Carolina. We kept up with each other and our growing families—Kelly has six kids, I have three.

Then the recession hit in 2008, and John’s business failed. He searched hard, but there were no jobs. One morning last January I was praying for guidance when the phone rang. Kelly!

I told her our troubles. The next day she called again. “Come live with us,” she said. “Stay as long as you need to. We’ll have fun!”

Boy, did we ever—just imagine nine kids at the dinner table! For the first time in ages, I knew what it felt like to “lie down in green pastures.”

John and I have found jobs and our own home now, but I’ll never forget how Kelly gave me the respite I needed. Roomies again, friends forever!

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