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Uneasy? Don’t Be

Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious and troubled [with cares] about your life, as to what you will [have to] eat; or about your body, as to what you will [have to] wear.—LUKE 12:22 AMP

Kelly laid her sleeping baby in the crib. As she left the room, she tried to figure out what to fix for supper. Between the baby’s needs and her elderly mother’s failing heath, she hadn’t found time to get to the grocery store. Not that they had any money to buy groceries with. Mom’s Social Security check barely covered their rent each month. And with Richard getting injured at his job last month, well, his unemployment check didn’t stretch very far.

Lord, why don’t You provide for us? Kelly cried out to God. It’s just not fair!

Been there? Or in a similar place? It’s easy to get our eyes off the Lord and fret over circumstances we can’t change. But Jesus said we don’t have to worry about the everyday things of life. Why? Because our spiritual relationship with Him is much more important than food or clothing. When we doubt God’s provision, we are doubting His ability to provide.

Today, let’s determine to be at peace, completely trusting Him to provide eveything we need for the day. Don’t think ahead; don’t fret over what is past. God has never failed you—nor will He.

Lord Jesus, help me remember what is truly important today. Let me rest in You and know that You will provide all I need through Your riches in glory.

Adapted from

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