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The Eyes of the Heart

But God will redeem my life from the grave; he will surely take me to himself.—PSALM 49:15 NIV

As he lay dying in the hospice unit, John drifted in and out of consciousness. His wife and sons stood by, holding his hand and talking quietly in the dimly lit room. Occasionally, John’s eyes would open, focusing on his loved ones. He studied them carefully, drinking in their faces and engraving that memory deep within his heart. John never spoke aloud, but his loving gaze was enough.

As Jesus was dying on the cross, He also gazed at His mother and friends for one last time, a look that bonded their souls for eternity.

As our loved ones slowly leave us, we may be blessed with fleeting moments when we connect in a special way: The mother with Alzheimer’s suddenly says our name for the first time in months…a spouse’s eyes open with a glint of recognition…we get a partial smile or a tender whisper…there’s a slight squeeze of the hand.

The ones we love take a piece of us into their hearts and carry that with them into heaven. In these fragile, special moments, God connects our souls forever.

Lord Jesus, as You died on the cross, You, too, looked tenderly at the ones You loved. Thank You for these precious moments where the eyes of our hearts connect with each other.

Adapted from

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