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Shadow of Death

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.—PSALM 23:4 ESV

Death is a fearful thing, whether we are facing it ourselves or watching a loved one slip away. So it’s perfectly normal for caregivers to want to keep death at bay. Indeed, the goal of our caregiving is to make life as long and profitable as possible.

Every hospital stay our loved one experiences brings forth fears. What will happen? Will this cause more debilitation or bring great improvement? Will death shadow us or be banished for a time?

God knows our doubts and fears—and He knows the future. While we cling to life, He holds eternity.

What does He give us in this time of pain? His rod of protection and the staff with which He guides His flock. The
Strong One promises that no evil will come to us—even as we walk near death.

Heartache and trouble may be ours, but no evil. The Shepherd walks with us, no matter what pathway we travel. If we go hand in hand with Him, we will never be comfortless.

Lord, I can’t seem to help fearing death, but I know You have gone there before me. Help me to put my hand in Yours and walk with You wherever I go.

Adapted from

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