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Search Party

“But now, Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in you.”—PSALM 39:7 NIV

Can we find what we need—those important papers or phone numbers—when we need them?

Where does she keep the living will? Do we know who he wants called in times of emergency? Have his funeral arrangements been updated lately? If she needs to go to a nursing home, do we know her wishes? What banks does she use? Can we name all of his current medications?

These are the types of questions all caregivers ponder—and which some have tackled with three-ring notebooks, address books, computer spreadsheets, and other organizational methods.

A little time and planning saves us a lot of looking down the road. But beyond such day-to-day needs, what else are we looking for? The psalm writer sought hope, which he found in the Lord.

And we learn of the Lord through the words of the Bible. Knowing exactly where to look for something relieves stress, saves grief, and helps to ease discouragement.

Where do we look for hope? Only to God.

God of hope, I search and always find peace and hope in You. I thank You for helping me when I am lost and full of discouragement.

Adapted from

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