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Putting Things in Perspective

I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.—ISAIAH 41:10 (NIV)

“I’m ready,” my mother called from her room.

“Fold your blanket. I’ll be there soon,” I shouted back, buying a few more minutes of rest on the couch.

“I can’t,” she said.

She’d been battling health issues for years, and she flat-out refused to do things for herself anymore. I wondered how much of it was that she couldn’t, and how much was that she simply wouldn’t. Still, I continued to encourage her to try.

But today I was so tired after the long day. “Lord, help me,” I pleaded. Then I cried.

I thought about how my mother had devoted her life to her children and loved us so dearly. “Okay,” I said out loud. “I can do it!” I pulled myself off the couch and went to take Mom to the bathroom and then tuck her into bed. I thought about my childhood and all the times she’d done the same for me.

Once she was settled, I placed her remote within reach and turned off the light. “’Night Mom. Sleep well.” I blew a kiss.

I knew the Lord would take care of me while I was taking care of her.

Lord, help me to remember you’ll always be there to help me with my caregiving.

Adapted from

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