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Peace with God

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.—ROMANS 5:1 NIV

The type of peace this verse is talking about isn’t a feeling. It’s the kind of peace that’s like a treaty. When we ask Jesus to be Lord of our lives, our status and relationship with God change. We go from being His enemies to being His friends. Additionally, we have a sense of relief that His wrath and the punishment for our sins are no longer hanging over our heads.

We also can celebrate that peace with God is not just a onetime event. Rather, it is an ongoing source of blessing. Peace with God leads to peace from God. This peace is not just the absence of turmoil and trouble, but a real sense that God is in control. It’s a small representation of heaven here on Earth. His peace brings the confidence that He is working things out in our lives, even if we can’t understand it all.

Satan would love to steal our peace. He can’t change our relationship with God, but we can give Satan a foothold when we worry and ruminate and fuss over our circumstances instead of turning them over to God. Give your troubles to God and rest in His peace.

Dear God, as Your Son told us, we will have trouble in this world. But You have overcome the world. Remind us to rest in Your presence and in the knowledge that You are working everything out according to a plan far beyond our comprehension. Thank You for Your watchful love. Amen.

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