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Looking for Laughter

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!—PHILIPPIANS 4:4 NASB

It’s so easy to get bogged down with the things of daily life.

Caregivers face the danger of losing their sense of humor—and life is very tedious if we forget to laugh.

But every day, if we just look, there will be something we can laugh about. Perhaps it’s a funny word slip, a clumsy moment, a silly joke, even a favorite memory. We can always find something—but we may have to look.

Laughter changes attitudes. The seriousness of life lessens. We feel better and lighter—and so do those around us. With laughter, life becomes more than just a series of difficult challenges. It can be fun and exciting again and, most importantly, doable.

So let’s look for that humorous moment today and change the whole atmosphere we live in. Let’s encourage ourselves and those in our care by reaching beyond the mundane, everyday drag to find the joy of living. God is as much in our rejoicing and laughing, in the happy, joyful side of life, as in the struggles and pain we experience. We can meet Him in the joy and be much better people for it.

Lord Jesus, I pray that You would help me seek the joy in life, the things that make me laugh and brighten my day. Through humor, may I be a blessing to those I care for today.

Adapted from

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