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It Takes a Village

So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.—COLOSSIANS 3:12 (NASB)

I thank God every day for guiding my mother to the assisted memory care facility where she now resides. The people who work there are particularly wonderful and caring to her.

Yesterday when I visited Mom, her fingernails were painted. Granted, they were each painted a different color, but what a great idea, to give Mom a rainbow spectrum on her hands. I knew it must be Karla’s work. Then Tiffany came to me. She had noticed an issue with Mom’s skin and had searched the Internet for a solution that was simple and effective. She was excited to share that with me. While I was there, Chaplain Corey dropped by to give Mom a hug and a prayer.

Susan came by to see if Mom wanted to join in the balloon toss. When we returned to the room I could tell Mom was tired. While we were out, Marcia had straightened up the room. Soft music was playing and Mom’s recliner looked cozy, draped with a soft blanket. Marcia moved Mom from her wheelchair to the recliner and when I left, Mom was dozing comfortably.

Lord, thank you for providing this safe and comfortable environment for my mother, surrounded by those who truly care about her.

Adapted from

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