Today's daily devotion


Nevertheless, you have done well to share with me in my affliction.—PHILIPPIANS 4:14 NASB

Doubtless someone—whether it’s a friend, family member, or professional—has shared our afflictions of caregiving. Whether that aid was a hot meal, spiritual comfort, or needed information, have we really appreciated each supporter?

It’s a rare caregiver who complains that too many people have lined up to help out. When support is limited, it’s wise to be abundantly—even excessively—gracious to those who help.

As caregivers, most of us need a helping hand. Our challenge is great and the volunteers few. Though we may not be able to give much in return, we can thank those few who have been our support.

Instead of complaining about the help we don’t have, let’s appreciate what stands before us. When we do that, perhaps we’ll find even new sources of aid as God sends His people to meet our needs.

Thank You, Lord, for those who help me—whether it’s an aide who cares for my loved one, a friend who drops off a delicious dinner, or a church member who prays for my situation. Even when I’m feeling overwhelmed, help me to say a thankful word to that person who responded to my need with time and effort.

Adapted from

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