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Firm Footing

The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights.—HABAKKUK 3:19 NIV

Violence and destruction surrounded the prophet Habakkuk as his disobedient nation, Judah, fell under the heel of the warlike Chaldeans. Though he called out to God, the faithful prophet seemed to get no answer.

Habakkuk recognized God’s judgment in this attack by a pagan people, yet he still looked to his Lord for mercy. This verse of hopeful words declares that Habakkuk’s strength still came from the same Lord who used His power to humble His people.

Are we as caregivers feeling tired today? Drained spiritually and financially? Do the warriors of disease, depression, or despair attack us? Let’s follow in Habakkuk’s footsteps: When destruction stares us in the face, let’s make God our strength.

Our Lord’s power offers us a firm footing, no matter what dangerous places we travel through. He will carry us safely over high mountain trails or through deep swamps.

Though He sometimes sets a difficult path before us, God does not leave us to walk alone. In His strength, wherever we go, we cannot fall.

Lord, in my own power I’m extremely frail. I stumble daily. Help me to cling to You, trusting that You’ll safely lead me through. Your strength alone gives me firm footing.

Adapted from

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