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Today's daily devotion

Extended Care

Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.—ROMANS 12:15 NIV

Have you ever offered a helping hand to another caregiver? Perhaps you took him a meal, gave her money to help with expenses, or stayed with his loved one so he could take a break.

Not all caregiving is brief. Some caregivers watch over people recovering from serious injuries. Grandparents raise their own grandchildren. Families have children with special needs. Their caregiving will go on for years.

Often, once the immediacy of a situation wears off, we move on to other things. Sadly, we aren’t as attentive to our fellow caregivers as we once were. It could be weeks before we think to lift them in prayer or give them a call.

Thankfully, God’s never like that. His care has no time limits. He watches over us in the emergencies of life as well as in the long-term chores. His example of both immediate and extended care is one we should strive to follow.

Father, I thank You for being there all the time. Help me, Lord, to remember to reach out to those whose caregiving service continues.

Adapted from

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