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Even God Took a Break

So on the seventh day he rested from all his work.—GENESIS 2:2 NIV

We want to be the best caregivers we can be, but the job can be so physically and emotionally draining. Many caregivers are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. At some point we need a break, or we will face exhaustion.

Planning a weekly break, even a short one, is no luxury; it’s a necessity in caregiving. Even God took a break on the seventh day of creation.

If you had four hours to yourself, what would you do? Go for a walk? How about seeing a movie or making a trip to the library? Join friends for lunch? For rest and renewal, we need to find a weekly activity that creates a sense of normalcy in our lives. Intentionally planning a break in our schedules enables us to take care of ourselves so we can be at our best when caring for others.

We may do a great job at caregiving, but we cannot do it indefinitely. Caregiving seems to require total self-sacrifice, but God guides us to find balance. Remember that He rested on the seventh day. Should we do any less?

Creator God, even You rested on the seventh day. It is so difficult to find the time to take the break I need. Help me intentionally plan a weekly getaway to restore my energy.

Adapted from

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