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Today's daily devotion

Demonstrate Righteousness

“I, the Lord, have called you to demonstrate my righteousness. I will take you by the hand and guard you.”—ISAIAH 42:6 NLT

It is often difficult to live a life that demonstrates Christ’s righteousness before those we are closest to—our family members. Yet they may be the ones most needful of the Savior.

Living a consistent, righteous life before our spouses, our children, and our parents and siblings is challenging. We look at our homes as places we can relax, be “ourselves,” and regroup for another day of stress. Yet it is in this environment that we are most tested. As we get older, our parents need help and support. Many of us may also have children still at home who require much of our attention. The stress of the “sandwich generation”—those caring for both oldsters and youngsters—is great.

But God is faithful. He doesn’t require us to demonstrate Christ’s love and righteous living without His help. Jesus told His disciples that when He left Earth for heaven after His resurrection, God would send the Holy Spirit, our Comforter (John 14:26 KJV), to enable each of us to live righteous, godly lives. The apostle Peter declares that when we accept salvation through Jesus Christ, we are equipped with all we need to live a godly life (2 Peter 1:3–4). Because of this we are able to demonstrate righteousness in the most stressful circumstances.

Father, You are so good! You allow trial and difficulty, stress, and pain to enter our lives, but not without equipping us with the strength and abilities to live righteously before our families. Thank You, Lord.

Adapted from

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