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Crying Out

I am worn out from groaning; all night long I flood my bed with weeping and drench my couch with tears.—PSALM 6:6 NIV

When we’re caring for another person, many different emotions may need to be expressed. Crying is an important emotional release, but how often do we suppress our tears? Maybe we think crying indicates we’re giving up hope. Or perhaps we’re afraid others may think we’re weak. Then there’s the false notion that crying means we’re not trusting God to handle our situation.

Like a cut that must be cleaned in order to heal properly, our wounded hearts need a cleansing, too. Releasing our tears to God is a way we can purify our hearts from the emotional debris collecting inside.

Our Lord set an example for us to follow. Jesus, the creator of tears, cried. He wept in front of others. He cried out to His Father. Neither fear nor pride stopped Him from expressing these painful emotions. Jesus knew that His Father would hear His cries and come to His aid.

God will do the same for us, wiping away our tears and healing the wounds of our heart. Crying may make us feel vulnerable—but God’s comfort reminds us we’re loved. 

Dear Father, I pray I am never too scared or too proud to bring my tears to You. How comforting it is to know You’re going to dry them for me.

Adapted from

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