Home » Daily Devotionals » Contentment
Today's daily devotion


He allots their portions; his hand distributes them by measure.—ISAIAH 34:17 NIV

A boy clutched a large tumbler in his small hands. Not able to pour his own drink, he thrust the empty glass toward his mom. “Milk, please.”

The mom poured milk into the glass and handed it back to her son.

Before drinking, the boy peered into the glass. His eyes popped in protest. Then he scowled and poured the milk on the floor. Handing the empty glass to his mother, he demanded, “I want a full glass of milk—now.”

Not surprisingly, the boy was marched to his room without any milk.

Yet there are times we act just like this child. Disgruntled with our allotted portion in life—our caregiving routine, our excess responsibility—we concentrate on what we don’t have. Our prayers become demands for a better portion.

But when we see God as He really is, we realize we have no right to stand before Him, glasses in hand, demanding a better serving.

The God who knows us intimately gives us unlimited access to His ample resources—the resources He’s deliberately and lovingly designed. Whatever life portion He’s assigned to us, He’ll always provide for our every need. When we thank God for who He is and for the portion He’s given us, contentment will grow in our souls.

Lord God, I thank You for the circumstances You have arranged for me. Help me to be content with the assignment You’ve given me.

Adapted from

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