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Actively Wait on Him

Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.—PSALM 27:14 KJV

Do you feel overwhelmed with the demands of your life?

Are you frustrated by your circumstances or weary in your service?

Then think of David.

Having already been anointed king by Samuel, David was running for his life. David’s foes, followers of the murderous, disobedient King Saul, were out for his life.

But David didn’t fear. He knew that God would hide him, protect him, and eventually set his feet on a rock. In the midst of the trouble, David praised God.

David ended this confident psalm by saying we should “wait on the Lord.”

Notice he says “wait on,” not “wait for.” Sometimes we miss the difference. “Waiting on” someone is active, like waiting on tables. “Waiting for” someone is passive, like waiting for a package to be delivered.

As we “wait on” the Lord, we need to actively seek Him, behold Him, and praise Him. As we do this, we’ll gain confidence and strength in Him.

Father, my life is so busy that I sometimes think I need to stop so You can catch up. But I know I never have to “wait for” You. You’re always with me. Let me wait on You. In this I will find the strength to go on.

Adapted from

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