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A Special Message

Again Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you truly love me?” He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.”—JOHN 21:16 NIV

Attention, all caregivers! This is a special message for you from the people you serve:

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! We love you and appreciate all you do for us. For some reason, it’s very hard to put this into words. Many times we take out our frustrations on you.

“But we do pray for you—we ask God to bless you and to help us be easier to serve. You are angels to us, selfless and kind and caring. We know that we are safe and secure with you, and we pray that we can be an encouragement to you, as well. We are blessed that your love and care are an overflow of your love for Jesus.

“Oh yes, we know that you sometimes lose it. Sometimes you feel inadequate. But we also know that the Lord Jesus is helping you, and we believe He will send you encouragement and blessings by the truckload.

“Thank you again and always for loving and caring for us, for helping us to maintain our dignity during these difficult times. God bless you!”

Lord Jesus, I ask that You would send every caregiver comfort and peace, strength, and encouragement—this day and every day.

Adapted from

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