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A Multitude of Angels

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.—GALATIANS 6:2 [NIV]

When my doctor told me that my pregnancy was in jeopardy, and I’d have to spend the last four months of it confined to bed, I was terrified of losing my baby.

Then I wondered: How will I care for my four-year old son, Parker, and myself when my husband, Chris, is at work?

I shouldn’t have worried. Within days, my friends and church family organized a small army of volunteers to provide physical, emotional and spiritual support.

Chris prepared me breakfast and snacks every morning before leaving with Parker. A neighbor picked Parker up from preschool and brought him home, kept my house spotless and gave me twice-weekly leg and foot massages to reduce my chances of getting blood clots. Every night a hot meal arrived for us.

A close friend, a neonatal intensive care nurse, called frequently to give me pep talks. Another friend supplied me with taped Norman Vincent Peale sermons to keep me focused and hopeful.

By God’s grace I made it past the seventh month of my pregnancy. My baby boy was born just six-and-a-half weeks premature and was only in the NICU for 10 days.

When our pastor held him up in front of the congregation during his baptism, I felt as though he belonged to my church family and friends as much as he did to us.

Thank you, Lord, for the caregiving angels you send to bless us and meet our physical, emotional and spiritual needs.

Adapted from

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