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A Double Blessing

For God is not unjust so as to forget your work and the love which you have shown toward His name, in having ministered and in still ministering to the saints.—HEBREWS 6:10 NASB

You’ve probably visited a nursing home. When you were there, did you hear patients calling out for someone to take notice of them and meet their needs? Did you see staff members moving from room to room to help those individuals? Did you notice that each nurse or aide cared for several patients at once—and probably had little time to care for his or her own needs?

How blessed we are when God gives us only one or two to care for, encourage, and bestow love upon. We have more time to meet their needs, boost their spirits, and make them feel better about themselves. We can take the time to be God’s hands and heart on many levels of need.

The recipients of our care are blessed that they have someone who knows them personally, sees them as individuals, and is willing to spend a little extra time talking, laughing, even praying with them. As caregivers, we are doubly blessed—God has trusted us with another’s care and honors us for our faithfulness. 

Lord God, how blessed I am to be part of Your ministry to another. Thank You for allowing me to be there for my loved one, and please bless us both.

Adapted from

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