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A Detail-Oriented God

“But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.”—MATTHEW 10:30 NASB

Kathy’s husband had been ill for many weeks. But whenever she felt overwhelmed at caring for him, she reminded herself that she was a lot better off than he was—at least she had her health.

One night Kathy came home after a particularly stressful day at work. “Tell me about it,” her husband said. She hesitated. How could she talk about her mundane problems when he could hardly get out of bed?

In the face of cancer or other illnesses, everyday problems—such as car trouble, clogged drains, traffic, head colds—don’t seem all that important. And while it’s true that serious illness can help put our everyday trials into perspective, it’s good to remember that God does care about every little detail of our lives. He wants us to tell Him everything—no detail is too unimportant to bring to Him.

Take a moment to list all the things that trouble you today—include the problems both big and small. Then take your list to God and talk to Him about it. Remember—no matter is inconsequential for the God who keeps track of the hairs on your head.

Father, I thank You for being so accessible to me. Remind me to bring all of my cares and concerns—large or small—to You.

Adapted from

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