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Tackle Each Day—and Each Goal—with God

Don’t let distractions keep you from achieving your goals and spending time with Him.

Woman reading in a cozy chair with a large knitted blanket.
Credit: Katarzyna Bialasiewicz Photographee.eu

So keep your mind on Jesus. . . . Then you won’t get discouraged and give up. —Hebrews 12:3 (CEV)

It was a cold January morning, so I cranked up the heat in my old home, wrapped myself in a blanket, and snuggled in my prayer chair. Sipping some steaming coffee, I glanced at my day planner, which was opened to yesterday’s date—but none of my goals were crossed off! I groaned. I fell into bed exhausted last night. What did I do all day? I flipped back and wondered, What did I do all week? The only thing I’d accomplished had been distractions.

I flipped open my Bible and whined to God. I’m so discouraged. Will I ever learn to focus? Suddenly, a housefly, which must have been tucked away for winter hibernation, woke up from the heat. It flew around my lamp, nearly bopping me in the head. I swatted at it, but it dodged away.

Once again I read a couple of verses. Bzzzz, bzzz, bzzz. Warp speed, the critter skimmed past my nose and dove around the lightbulb in crazy spiraling circles. It looked like a fighter pilot on a bombing mission as he flew straight for the light. Bam! He crashed head-on and fell into my coffee! “Gross.”

When I picked up my coffee cup to dump it, I had a strange thought. Distractions are like that pesky fly; they discourage me and I end up tossing away my goals. It’s time to focus on God and tackle my days with Him.

The following week I consciously struggled to keep my thoughts on God, asking Him to lead me. Each day I whittled away at my goals.

Lord, help me stay tuned to You. Amen.

Digging Deeper: Hebrews 3:1; 12:2

Excerpted from Daily Guideposts 2021.

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