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A Few Moments of Peace

In this excerpt from Daily Guideposts 2015, Edward Grinnan embraces the darkness to feel closer to God.

Guideposts editor-in-chief Edward Grinnan

Return to your rest, my soul, for the Lord has been good to you.—Psalm 116:7

Electricity. It’s all about electricity. That was my realization this morning when I came to work and found out my office had none. No lights. No phone. No computer. No way to charge my cell. This was a new office space, and our recent move had gone relatively smoothly…until now.

I’d been anxious to get to work early. I’d skipped the gym, barely eaten breakfast and blown through my meditation time. These are the three things I do daily to keep myself connected physically and spiritually before I get distracted by life’s details.

But I was in too much of a hurry. Too much to do. Not enough time.

And now, no electricity. Really? Today of all days? I drummed my fingers on my desk. What was I supposed to do? Sit in the dark? A quiet inner voice seemed to answer: Yes.

That would be weird, wouldn’t it? People would think I’d gone crazy. Didn’t I need to take action? Not at all, said that inner voice.

I closed my door, then groped my way back to my chair in the pitch black. I sat down and tried to get comfortable. Why am I doing this?

I waited. In the darkness my breathing slowed. My pulse decelerated. My irritation subsided. The anxiety that had been the driving force behind my morning receded.

The world and its worries seemed far away, as if God had gently covered my eyes so I could see what was really important, what I’d failed to connect to—the true source of power.

I closed my eyes and said a prayer for serenity and for the strength I would need to face my day and a whisper of gratitude for the comfort of darkness.

Lord, it isn’t really all about electricity. I know that. Thanks for turning the lights back on.

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