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2016: The Year of No Resolutions!

Guideposts blogger Diana Aydin has decided that 2016 is the New Year of no resolutions! But she’s keeping her eyes and heart open to wonder. God specializes in the unexpected.

Guideposts blogger Diana Aydin is making no resolutions for the New Year.
Credit: Getty Images/Hemera

Confession time… I’m not making any New Year’s resolutions for 2016. Shocking, I know!

This isn’t how I usually operate. I typically make a list of goals, either mentally or on paper. Last year I even picked a new hobby at random (it turned out to be hip-hop dance!).

I’m all for trying new things and self-improvement. But the process of making resolutions often leaves me feeling bummed. Maybe because I’ve been making some of these resolutions over and over–that “eat less sweets” resolution has been haunting me for years! And, a few of my goals simply can’t be completed in a year or even measured.

So this year I’m going to do things a little differently. I’m going to go with the flow in 2016.  

I love making plans (you should see the piles of to-do-lists and sticky notes on my desk). Sometimes, though, it’s the things you don’t plan that turn out to be the most fulfilling and illuminating. Like the improv class I signed up for last spring. Or the strange signs I followed to Ireland in September. God specializes in the unexpected. That’s one thing I learned in 2015.

With that in mind, I’ll keep my eyes and heart open to wonder and then see what happens.

And that’s my only resolution!

What about you? What are your New Year’s resolutions or “non-resolutions”?

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