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Lost and Found: An Angel Unscathed

A pewter figurine, a gift from her granddaughter, protects a woman involved in a car accident.

An artist's rendering of Florence's pewter angel
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Sirens blared in the distance. Emergency vehicles arrived one after the other. I leaned up against a guardrail on the side of the highway, nursing burns on both my arms.

I could barely remember the crash. It had all happened so fast—a terrible pileup. Four cars. Mine was smashed like a child’s toy. But no one appeared to be severely injured. A miracle. Which reminded me: What about my pewter angel?

I kept her clipped to my sun visor to protect me on the road. She was a gift from my granddaughter. The banner the angel held that read “with love and appreciation” always made me feel cared for and safe. Surely she was lost forever.

My husband arrived on the scene. I fell into his arms. He shuddered when I pointed out what was left of my car.

A policeman approached us. He put something in my hand. “I found this clipped to the visor,” he said. “Your car is next in line to be towed.”

I looked down at my pewter angel. She was unscathed. She had protected every human life among the wreckage, and God had protected her.

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